Describe the corporate ethos or identity of the company. How does it acknowledge its own economic, social, and/or environmental impacts?

Corporate Communication Analysis #2

Analyze the corporate communication practices of one or two corporations, using the “organizational communication/public communication” distinction between corporate communication activity.
Focus on one of the corporations we’ve examined thus far. Choose a different corporation from the one you wrote about in Corporate Communication Analysis #1.

Describe the communication best practices of this corporation. How does it organize itself to share information across divisions and with stakeholders?

How does it convey its identity and narrative to the public? Rely on the course readings and shared media to help you precisely describe examples of these practices.

Describe the corporate ethos or identity of the company. How does it acknowledge its own economic, social, and/or environmental impacts?

What issues or challenges does the company ignore or de-emphasize? Rely on the course readings and shared media to help you precisely describe examples of these practices.

 What is the engaging and communication style of the agency?Explain different models and theories of communication including Māori and Pasifika theories.

Reflective Essay The Environment and Context of Helping

Explain different models and theories of communication including Māori and Pasifika theories.

Choose a helping agency in your community. If there are not many in your community, choose a helping agency that interests you anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand. Write a reflective essay that answers the questions below. (You can get information on what a reflective essay is here:

What is the value base of the agency?

What is the helping model of the agency?

​What is the engaging and communication style of the agency?

​What are the barriers to the agency fully meeting all the needs of their client group?


Why did you choose this service activity? Was it an individual or collective action? How did it advance social, economic, or environmental sustainability? What would make this type of work more impactful?

Common Good Activity
1-Page Reflection

Submit here one double-spaced page (~250 words) reflecting on your experience. Why did you choose this service activity? Was it an individual or collective action? How did it advance social, economic, or environmental sustainability? What would make this type of work more impactful?

Define and discuss high-context communication and low-context communication, including key differences between the two concepts.Why is it important, especially for law enforcement, to be aware of these communication differences? Provide examples.

High/Low Context

Define and discuss high-context communication and low-context communication, including key differences between the two concepts.

Identify the cultures for which low-context communication is more common and discuss specific cultural examples.

Identify the cultures for which high-context communication is more common and discuss specific cultural examples.

How would you apply knowledge of these concepts (high-context communication and low-context communication) to law enforcement?

Why is it important, especially for law enforcement, to be aware of these communication differences? Provide examples.

Pick a public health issue you feel is not adequately addressed either locally, on a state level or on a national/international level and discuss?: gun control, vaccines in school, combatting obesity, school lunches, food insecurity, access to healthcare, drug abuse, reproductive health, sex education, LGBTQIA+ issues in PH, etc.) No topic is off limits.

Advocacy Letter

https://linguaholic.conn/linguablog/how-to-write-an-advocacy-letter/ e.,
(This website should give you some basics as to what must go in this letter) Here are some basic requirements for your advocacy letter:

Pick a public health issue you feel is not adequately addressed either locally, on a state level or on a national/international level and discuss?: gun control, vaccines in school, combatting obesity, school lunches, food insecurity, access to healthcare, drug abuse, reproductive health, sex education, LGBTQIA+ issues in PH, etc.) No topic is off limits.

Compare and contrast paper on the musical play The Lion King and Fences by August Wilson. it needs to be a Multicultural/Intercultural/Transcultural comparrison.

Compare and Contrast: The Lion King and Fences

Compare and contrast paper on the musical play The Lion King and Fences by August Wilson. it needs to be a Multicultural/Intercultural/Transcultural comparrison.

Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population from a specific culture in your area.

Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population from a specific culture in your area.

Choose one of the Leading Health Indicator (LHI) priorities from Healthy People.

Research a topic related to health and wellness associated with one of the Healthy People topic areas.