Critically examine the law in relation to instantaneous communications in contract law; and Appraise with reasons whether a contract has been created.

Common Law; Contracts, Tort and Adjudication

Critically examine the law in relation to instantaneous communications in
contract law; and Appraise with reasons whether a contract has been created.

Examine what claim could be brought against the supplier (DCL) for the
incorrectly supplied and installed insulation boards, what would have to be
proved and what defences the supplier could advance to avoid liability;

If an adjudicator was appointed under the supply and fit contract, explain the
primary contents of his award and how costs would be dealt with; and

Appraise what claim the neighbouring owner (Mr Sparrow) could bring against
Cotswolds Homes Ltd for the fence damage and spilled duck-down and
determine what possible defences could be advanced by CHL.