How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing? ( address all of these)


Explain the issue you chose. What happened/is happening with the issue? What are the sides of the argument?

How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing? ( address all of these)

How does the Media impact/address the issue?

What does American society think about this issue? (Polls or surveys would be helpful here)

Do the political parties agree on the issue? What are their arguments?

Do other countries experience this issue? How do they handle it?

Are there any impacts on government legitimacy?

Using what you’ve learned in the class, what do YOU think is/was the right way to handle the issue?

What is the number of total vaccinations and daily vaccinations per country?”.Find the median of total vaccinations, boosters per hundred, daily vaccination raw, fully vaccinated people, and daily vaccination per million

Data Science Project: Covid-19 Vaccinations (Globally and in Australia) Dataset Analysis with Python and Microsoft Power BI

What is the number of total vaccinations and daily vaccinations per country?”.Find the median of total vaccinations, boosters per hundred, daily vaccination raw, fully vaccinated people, and daily vaccination per million

Explains several common concerns about vaccinations and gives some scientific explanations about how vaccines work in response to those concerns. 

Read the following blog post article.

Vaccines 101:

Too Much Too Soon? by Dr. Alison Shuman on

Then,  post a response to the following questions:

The author explains several common concerns about vaccinations and gives some scientific explanations about how vaccines work in response to those concerns.

briefly summarize the author’s answer to the common question, “There are so many more vaccines than when  a kid, and now they combined some of them into one shot…doesn’t that increase the risk of bad reactions? Can’t that overwhelm my baby’s system? Isn’t this too much too soon?”.

At the minimum, you should explain what antigens and antibodies are and what they do.
Are there other concerns you think people might have about vaccines that are not addressed by this article?

If so, what is the concern?
In conclusion, do some brief research either on the internet or through your library’s resources to find evidence that supports or refutes either the concern you brought up in point #2 or any of the other concerns discussed in the blog/article.

This need not be extensive but should include a couple sentences mentioning what you found with either a link to the web page or an attachment of the article you found.

Your response should be 500 words and include APA style reference to the book; podcasts or other material.