Quiz/long answer essay
In two or three sentences,define the exercising social control over
others, including intimates, loved ones, or another targeted person(s).
In this case, this control is by filing a legal legal will that, for sure, will
make possible the cruel or painful quality of life for those living
person(s) in question, ( make sure you source your material)
What are two good reasons the deceased may inflict pain or loss to a person(s) with a long life yet to live?
Briefly surmise and write and analyze the possible reasons of your own
making, behind the emotional instability or psychological trauma of the
dying person that would likely prompt executing a legal will so an other(s)
will suffer, in some way, a “lifetime of misery for one of your reasons”
Question 2 comes from the material Neimeyer & Gamino – Chapter
84: “The experience of grief and bereavement.” Handbook of Death