What event in the environment started the chain of events (prompting event)?Identify skillful behaviors to replace problem links in the chain, and so to decrease the probability of this behavior’s happening again.

SWK 604 Chain Analysis of Problem Behavior Assignment

What exactly was the problem behavior?

2. What event in the environment started the chain of events (prompting event)?

3. What were the vulnerability factors for that particular day?

4. What was the chain of events, link by link, that led from the prompting event to the prob-
lem behavior?

5. What were the consequences of the behavior in the environment?

6. Identify skillful behaviors to replace problem links in the chain, and so to decrease the
probability of this behavior’s happening again.

7. Develop prevention plans to reduce vulnerability to prompting events and to starting down
the chain.

8. Repair the negative consequences of the problem behavior for the environment and for