Methods of Professional Enquiry and Research
Interview schedule -Police officer
1. What rank did/ do you hold?
2. Which London boroughs did/do you work for?
3. How long did you/ or have you worked for the London Met?
4. Research suggests that black males are unlikely to join the police force.
What are your thoughts on this?
5. What attracted you to this career path?
6. What was the recruitment process like?
7. What, if any problems did you face and have these improved?
8. Has there been/were there opportunities for you to progress?
9. On reflection, was your expectation of the role and the profession what
you expected it to be? And why?
10.What has been the most frustrating part of your job?
11.What has been the most satisfying part of your job?
12. Approximately how many stop and searches do you think you have
carried out?
13. Roughly, how many of these involved black males?
14. While carrying out general community policing, have or did you notice a
difference in how you were received by black men?