What have been the most important insights you had so far?What do you want to do next? – Identify one of the areas of your work that needs improvement and outline 2 or 3 ideas for development.

What have been the most important insights you had so far?

Looking at your learning logs and the PDP identify 1) what are you
good at and 2) what are areas of your work that need improvement?

What do you want to do next? – Identify one of the areas of your work that
needs improvement and outline 2 or 3 ideas for development.

Uses knowledge gathered and captured in learning logs and PDP by
linking different topics.

Identifies strengths clearly by adding examples and links to the learning
log and PDP.

Demonstrates an understanding of work that needs developing and
illustrates what can be done to improve it further.

Presents work clearly and accurately using the appropriate personal
expression and organisational form (i.e. follows recommended structure,
uses third person to refer to information from literature and references
sources correctly by using