What type of study was it–a survey, case study, correlational study, or experiment?Do you see any problems with their conclusions or with the way the article interpreted the study’s conclusions?

Research study about Psychology

Popular media is full of stories about the latest and greatest scientific research; on the evening news, in magazines, in newspapers, and of course blogs. It’s important to evaluate these results with a critical eye.

For this assignment, go through a current newspaper (online or hard copy) and find an article that reports the results of a research study about psychology or a related field (medicine, economics, neuroscience, behavioral biology etc.).

Answer the following questions about the study as reported in the article:

(a) What type of study was it–a survey, case study, correlational study, or experiment?

(b) What variables did the researchers manipulate and/or measure?

(c) What did the researchers find? What did they conclude? and

(d) Do you see any problems with their conclusions or with the way the article interpreted the study’s conclusions?