Write a critical reflection essay about your own social location, privilege and oppression.Explain what critical self-reflection is and its importance for social workers.

Critical Refection Essay

Assessment Criteria – Task 2 Write a critical reflection essay about your own social location, privilege and oppression

1. Explain what critical self-reflection is and its importance for social workers

2. Describe your social location (explain the terms with a references) use reference below:
Mullaly, B., & West, J. (2018). Challenging oppression and confronting privilege: A critical approach to anti-oppressive and anti-privilege theory and practice (3rd ed.). Oppression: An overview (pp. 1-34) Diversity, Difference, and Oppression

3. Demonstrate the intersections of your unearned privilege and experiences of oppression (explain the terms using Five Faces of Oppression by Iris Marion Young).
Give personal examples from your family, community and life in Australia.

4. Explore how the above might affect your critical social work practice ie who you may relate and feel empathy for or who you may feel biased against and how you will overcome your biases to be non-judgemental in your social work with people.

5. Use anti oppressive language and at least ten critical social work references from this unit. Academic writing criteria: