Argument Essay
Submission Guidelines
Compose your essay in a Word document (.doc or .docx). When you have completed
your essay, save the Word document and name the file “Week 10–your name.” Click
on the link/title above to access the assignment page for the “Final Draft of Argument”
and upload the document before 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Saturday (of week 10).
Do not cut and paste your essay into the Write Submission box. If you
need help uploading, contact Tech Support.
Format Instructions for All Papers:
1. Write in 12 point size font using any style of font that is easy to read (e.g.,
Arial, Calibri, Tahoma, Verdana)
2. Place this information in the Upper Left Corner of p. 1: a. Your Name b. EN 101: Your section number (e.g., C333) c. Date
3. Double space and center the title of your essay. A good rule of thumb for a
title is to use five words that indicate the topic of your essay. Do not title
your essay “Week _Writing Assignment.
Double space your entire essay.
(Do not add additional spaces between paragraphs.) 4. Use 1-inch margins on the left and right and at the top and bottom.
Schedule for Argument Essay:
Week 9: You will compose a draft for review next week by the classmates within
your group.
Week 10: • You will provide feedback to the classmates within your group about their
drafts. • You will revise, edit, and submit the final assignment by